
Jamie and Kim
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Dylan Patrick
Bachelor party
New House


On December 2, 2003 Jamie and Kim's life changed forever.  Dylan came into this world, Head and shoulders (Kim will not forget) first. He was 7 lbs five ounces, and 19 1/2 inches long.

And we were able to meet our grandson not more than 15 minutes after he was born.  Jamie and Kim were on cloud nine.  They had just gone through what will probably be the most intense experience of their lives, and we were just happy to be able to be there to share the excitement and thrill with them.

Pictures of their Wedding!

They  reside in Reading Pa, where Kim is a High School teacher, and Jamie is a financial analyst.  See pictures of their New House

Tori the Doberman:



Jamie:    James@Schlesingers.net

Kim:       Kim@schlesingers.net

For Jamie's 25th birthday, we fixed up his Jeep  (at least got it running) and brought it to Reading. Jamie was surprised.  

Then we went to dinner and looked at the site of the new house they were considering buying.   The lot had a great view but it turned out to be too steep.  

Click on Thumbnails to enlarge.

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They have agreed to purchase a beautiful home on a golf course.  

James at Dan's Graduation, May, 2002


Jamie Pictures:

College Graduation picture, 1998                   Sophomore year, 1995

grad2.jpg (28120 bytes)    

Round up the usual suspects,

Jamie's birthday, June 2000

Jamie's Birthday Excursion.jpg (39392 bytes)

At  Concord in Reading, Pa